Quatre Heure: January 2022

2022 has swooped right in and taken over yet there's still a looming pandemic.
We're all doing what we can to mentally, physically and emotionally support ourselves but it never quite feels like enough.
Many of us, myself included, are trying everything we can to figure out what our new normal may be.
For me, I have always known that I wanted to live a very creative life but it gets drowned out every once in awhile (please tell me I'm not alone...).
To be honest it's taken a major backseat over the last few years and I mostly just try to keep my head above water but I want to shift it--- to be more intentional about what I do each and every day.
My goal this year is simple, live creatively in everything I do:
Create memories, create art, create a healthy relationship with food, create connections, create friendships, create love and so much more.
I hope that your year brings you true joy and that whatever does not allows you to grow in new ways. 💌
Here's what's happenin' in my corner of the world...
What I'm reading:
Currently: Malibu Rising- Taylor Jenkins Reid, Will- Will Smith (audio)
Finished: The Love Hypothesis, Four Winds, True Colors, Just Kids (audio)
For more book goodness from yours truly, hang out with me on Goodreads.
What I'm watching:
Now Watching: Family Business (season 3), The Great (season 2), Arrested Development
Just Finished: Emily in Paris, Yellowstone (season 4), Don't Look Up, Queer Eye,
What I'm listening to:
Podcasts: NONE yet this year--- mostly going strong with audiobooks right now.
Music: I've been liking some easy listening to help keep me focused
Link I love:
- For the cooks: my favorite salty brunch go-to recipe: prosciutto dutch baby.
- For the artists: this Skillshare class by Gia Graham teaches you all about creating work to sell on Society6.
- For the Francophiles: my favorite way to stream French language shows!
- For the tea drinkers: my new tea infusers are just too perfect!
"The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt." -- Sylvia Plath
Until next month,