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Quatre Heure: October 2022



October is my favorite month of the year. 

It's my birthday month, things are getting extra cozy here in the midwest and I simply just adore bonfires with friends.

Plus it's just the beginning of getting to see more family this time of year and that is always such a gift. This time reminds me to slow down and be more present so if you see a little less of me sharing on social media it's most likely because I just need a little break and I'm loving the quiet time at home.

Enjoy your roasted marshmallows and melted chocolate for me this month!! 


Here's what's happenin' in my corner of the world...

What I'm reading:

Currently: Lucy Checks In

Finished: Book Lovers, The Stationery Shop 

For more book goodness from yours truly, hang out with me on Goodreads.

What I'm watching:

Now Watching: House of Targaryan, Friday Night Lights (we watch this every fall because it's like my childhood haha!)

Just Finished: The White Lotus

What I'm listening to:


Anything in French right now, trying to refresh every chance I can for our trip!

Link I love:

  • For the activists: I highly suggest you follow my friend Misha Zadeh and educate yourself on everything that's happening in Iran and what you can do to help.
  • For the cooks: this autumn salad is definitely going on our menu this month!
  • For the holiday season lover: we are going to this special "Christmas" town in France this year!!!!


Until next month, 


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